I just wanted to give you an update of my life and family and where God is leading us.
In late 2005 I was appointed by The Mission Society to be the African Regional Coordinator; that is, to give visionary oversight to all of our fields on the African continent. We have folks working full time with The Mission Society now in Ghana, Togo, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. There are families that are soon to be sent out to Senegal and perhaps South Africa. We also have seconded relationships with folks that are serving in difficult places on the African continent. It is exciting to see God at work here.
Since January I was also appointed to be the missionary observer participant on the board of The Mission Society. This has been a dream fulfilled for many of us serving on the field to have some voice and interaction with the governance board. Our president, Phil Granger, recently went through a life threatening surgery and was in ICU for many days and we can say that God truly brought him back from the brink of death. We are thankful that he is back in operation and working hard throughout the world.
The most ominous and yet rewarding thing in my life at this moment is my PhD study. Even though I’ve continued to give guidance and leadership to many of my coworkers here in Ghana, I have really been a full time student at Akrofi-Christaller Institute of Theology, Mission and Culture here in Akropong, Ghana. I started my course work in the Fall of 2006 and completed that portion in June of 2007 and was approved to continue my work on my PhD. My studies have led me into the bowels of the archives here in Ghana, London and Oxford. I have found some incredible letters that were written from 1835-1890. It is in those letters that I have found incredible insight into missions, life, applications that will assist me in my current ministry and in my future. One quote that I cannot forget from Thomas Birch Freeman, the man that I am studying for my PhD said when he was 28, “It is necessary for me to go (on the mission field) but it may not be necessary that I live.” He is the man that I want to emulate and it compels me to ask the question, “Where are the men and women who have that passion and zeal any more to proclaim the Gospel?!” I am thankful to work with many who have considered their lives and put all on the altar in answer to HIS call.
Recently I attended a seminar by a Ghanaian woman who’s name is Mercy Odudoye. She said, “If we don’t know where we’ve been, how can we know where we are going?” It is the essence of my passion to learn history! At the same time it is essential for me to realize the situation we are in as a nation and as a world. Christianity has indeed shifted in our direction in the southern hemisphere, including South America, Africa and parts of Asia while Europe and North America fade in their Christian fervor. Africa is the fastest growing continent in Christianity today.
I still continue to preach at my home church of Asbury Dunwell every third Sunday and our family shares the Gospel once a month at Pram Pram to a childrens’ home. I continue to travel as African Regional Coordinator and will be visiting our people in Kenya in December and assisting a new family to determine if Senegal is the place God has called them in January.
Our family is blessed. Anna is thriving at Asbury, Maggie is loving being a sophomore at Lincoln, in the winter play and playing soccer, Luke loves his school and all of his friends, especially Momo, his best friend from South Africa. Claire continues to manage our home, the kids, short term teams, discipleship of her Muslim friend Suaba, prayer groups and Bible Study. She always amazes me.
God is good, we continue to pray for all of you in the midst of these economically challenging days. We love you and seek God’s Highest for you in all things.
Hey, Michael. I've been thinking about y'all and just wanted to say "Hello".
Happy holidays!
hi mike,
i am not sure if you remember me. my name is prince charles. i met you in ghana in 1985 during a student retreat organized by the scripture union.
i am a friend of jessie kally williams.
i am serving as a missionary in south korea, pastoring the oldest protestant church. i am the senior pastor. in 2008, i visited north carolina and met the crouse family, who were part of my church many years before i came to korea.
i just thought about sending you these few lines to say hello in case you remember me.
you can find more about me from our web site: www.seoulunionchurch.org
my email is pastor@seoulunionchurch.org
i look forward to hearing from you.
hi mike,
i am not sure if you remember me. my name is prince charles. i met you in ghana in 1985 during a student retreat organized by the scripture union.
i am a friend of jessie kally williams.
i am serving as a missionary in south korea, pastoring the oldest protestant church. i am the senior pastor. in 2008, i visited north carolina and met the crouse family, who were part of my church many years before i came to korea.
i just thought about sending you these few lines to say hello in case you remember me.
you can find more about me from our web site: www.seoulunionchurch.org
my email is pastor@seoulunionchurch.org
i look forward to hearing from you.
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